I had a wonderful time last night. The Mayodan Public Library hosted an author’s night. I saw it in the paper on Sunday and decided to go. I never seem to make it over to Durham or Raleigh for their after work events, but this was almost in my backyard! Must admit I’m so immersed in the romance genre (though I read everything) that I was surprised there were no romance authors in the group. Instead I found a whole new group of authors to appreciate and follow.
One of the authors, Tilda Balsley, wrote children’s books. That’s an area I’m lax in these days, but I really enjoyed hearing what the industry wants for these readers. It was fascinating to hear her story of the journey to be published as well as writing Jewish books as a Presbyterian such as Oh No, Jonah!
Julia Ebel writes of North Carolina heritage in works like Addie Clawson: Appalachian Mail Carrier. Mentioning stories of the history of Boone and surrounding area made me think of Daddy and his stories of growing up in that area. Jean Rodenbough also wrote of the heritage in North Carolina as well as a collection of stories of rescued animals in Bebe & Friends: Tails of Rescue.
Daddy came to mind again while listening to Marilyn Swinson, who has interviewed WWII soldiers and published Scars of War sharing those stories of bravery and the true story of the horrors of war.
Dena Harris spoke of being the “cat” writer and had us laughing about her stories poking fun at humans through those cats, with such works as Who Moved My Mouse? A Self-Help Book for Cats. Almost made me wish I had one, except for that Hubby not breathing thing.
Benjamin Bragdon, a student of ancient and medieval history spoke of his new novel Message of the Medallion where he was able to fuse his love of history with writing to create a historical novel based on fact. The amount of research in such a work is incredible.
Athena Varounis left the FBI after 24-years and is now investigating paranormal phenomena which led to her book Franklin County Ghosts about real events in Pennsylvania. A combination of Mulder and Scully!! As the only Yankee in the group, we’re going to have to introduce her to North Carolina ghosts!
I’m going to have to stop by there more often, so I don’t miss the next evening of local authors! So much to read . . .
it sounds like you had a good time. too bad i’m so far from you.
It was great – and yes you do live too far away!
really interesting . I guess I shoudnt be surprised that fabulously talented people are not limited to the edges of the country!!!
Yeah, who knew! Talent is everywhere and I really enjoyed it. I’ll be back for the next one.
Sounds like a great night, Donna. My niece’s oldest daughter kind of hinted at wanting to write and proof read. (Back a while she started an X File story that was quite good, but she never finished it) Reading this blog about your talking to other writers has made me want to really encourage her to try something. Thanks, Pat
Oh do, Pat. The more there is to read, the more readers seem to appear! We all started somewhere