Already? I still have glitter around from New Year’s Eve, but yeah it’s here and once again my birthday is rolling around.
Forget the number and celebrate with me. Because I like to share the fun, I’ve put Book 1 of The Melting Series on sale this month – The Infection!
It feels less like sci fi every year, but I think it’s a good story, at least a timely one, so come on over and enjoy it with me.
Some of you might remember it’s also my anniversary month and that number I’m proud to share – 40 years this year with my best friend and lover! Who’da thought it!! We have a very special trip planned and I’ll have lots of pics in an upcoming newsletter to share with you.
Here in North Carolina the sun has finally reappeared. I think the April showers started last September and have continued until today. There’s no drought being foretold by any of the weather people around here.
Be on the lookout for A New Time, the 3rd in the Guardians of Now series. Hope to have a cover reveal soon for you.
All three of The Conall Clan books are out and, since these guys really drew me in, a fourth book is with my editor now. Didn’t see that coming but hey, I’m not complaining.
Hope you’re enjoying Spring where you are with the snow and cold gone, and can spend some time relaxing and reading when spring fever hits you! Stop by and visit any time!
So you don’t miss anything, please sign up for my newsletter, and follow me at Bookbub!
Just discovered the cover of Family Ties is up for cover of the month at All Author! I’d love your vote!