Have to admit that the holidays really shredded my routine. That’s not to say they weren’t incredible, but they did knock me off track. Having just come off of NanoWriMo I noticed it even more. For me, I rocked Nano this year – averaging over 1000 words a day and three times that a couple of days. Then the holidays…
If you want, go back and read the adventures of our travels. That was enough to throw me off for a while but I’m back and still can’t seem to get settled. Maybe it’s the clutter in the house. Haven’t taken down the Christmas stuff yet and I’m ready for all of the decorations to be safely back in their bins. There’s also the looming possibility of selling the house and downsizing to a condo now that hubby is retiring. And the fact that he’ll be home all of the time soon.
Whatever, I’m not focusing like I should. Right now I’m trying to write in the waiting room of the car dealership as I take his car in for service, a couple of days ago I had to get my phone fixed. I retired to write and I’ve got to get stern about my boundaries again.
My best writing day is sitting in my office, no music, no tv and just letting the story flow. Staying away from social media and the phone shouldn’t be hard but I’m letting it creep in. Maybe the story I just finished could use some work, but I have to set it aside so that I can see it objectively again. The next idea hasn’t taken off yet, still working on my version of plotting. We pantsers have issues with that.
How do you get back in the rhythm? Do you have any tricks that shock you back into writing mode? Do you need a looming deadline to force you back?
P.S. One thing I did this weekend was see a screening of the documentary – Love Between the Covers – in Durham. Talk about inspiration! My highest recs if you can get to a showing.