Retirement Update

Of course I’m loving it – it’s been a month and I think the good habits are beginning to be routine. Still getting up when Hubby does every weekday morning and getting in the pool – not mentioning weight loss because I’m superstitious about it, but heading in the correct direction for a change. A lot less stress eating.

Have cleaned out several corners of the house and thrown away a lot of trash that I didn’t realize was still hanging out. Of course more to come, but even I can see a difference. The guy at Goodwill now waves at me, because I’ve become familiar.  blueberries coming  050515

I discovered I have a lilac bush in  my back yard, and the blueberries are getting ready to pop. One bush is so full it’s incredible. I never had time for that before.

Lilac bush  050515

And, I finished two stories that were languishing on my computer. Mac’s Family was accepted by Rebel Ink Press! Don’t have a release date yet, but got to type “The End” and now get to concentrate on the next one until the edits come in. I’m thinking of becoming a hybrid writer with the other one – self pub it and learn the other side of the business. That means creating a cover and all of that, but I have more time of my own now, so why not try it.  Pool w: Grandma 2  030215

But most important, I got to spend some more time with the grandson. He lives too far away, but he’s the only thing I’ll give up my writing time for. I wasn’t really worried about retiring, I knew I had something to do, but like all my friends that have retired, I have to wonder – how did I manage to get everything done (especially the errands) while I worked???

Many thanks to you guys for helping make this work!

3 thoughts on “Retirement Update

  1. It’s true, I don’t know how I found time to do everything I used to do along with a full time job.

    Glad you’re enjoying your retirment and I know your sister is chomping at the bit and being jealous of your writing time.

    Continue to enjoy – it goes by so darn fast.

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