Times Flies

You know the saying – time flies when you’re having fun – I kinda got smacked in the head with it this month. My grandson turned one year old. I only blinked and he’s already a year??  Donna, Darhon & Ryder

I know all about relativity – when I was a kid, Christmases were decades apart, they never seemed to come soon enough. Now I barely have one paid for before the next one crops up. And it’s moving faster all the time. But the first year for a baby really does fly.

12 months croppedFrom barely being able to squirm all the way to walking is scary fast. I’ve accomplished a few things over the last year since his birth – visiting every six to eight weeks, completing a re-edit of Rth Rising as well as the sequel, Rth Claimed. Finished a book for Soul Mate Publishing (a time travel story), which is scheduled for June and have two more shorter stories in the works, but he learned to walk and feed himself and laugh! I have to agree that’s the bigger accomplishment.

Posting this for my Daddy’s birthday, Valentine’s Day – he would have been 93 and this little guy would have had him wrapped tight around that little finger, just like his Daddy did.

Can’t wait to see what we both learn this coming year . . .


Rth Rising final by RS 103115 copy   Rth Claimed final cover

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