So good to have you here today, Jane –
Tell us a little about yourself:
What television sitcom is most like your family? Why?
Um…I have no idea! LOL We hardly ever watch TV, and when we do, it’s usually reruns of How I Met Your Mother, King of Queens, or a movie!
What’s your favorite thing to do to relax?
Reading! Escaping into a book always helps me unwind! 🙂
Do you prefer…
Public speaking or public singing?
LOL…Public speaking wins every time!
Writing in a notebook or typing on the computer?
Typing on the computer!
Coke or Pepsi?
Diet coke/Regular Pepsi, but I’m trying to give up both!
Living without your cell phone or living without your computer?
Great question! I love both, but I’d give up my cell before my computer!
Now about you as an author…
Did you always want to be an author?
Yes. I’ve always been a writer of some kind and, when I was young, had dreams of seeing my books on store shelves. Unfortunately, I didn’t pursue that dream and stopped writing for almost 20 years.
What authors had an impact on you growing up and as an adult?
As an adult, I’m fascinated by the shifter worlds of Cynthia Eden and Dana Marie Bell!
Did anyone in your life influence you or encouraged you to be a writer?
My mom has always encouraged me to follow my dreams no matter what they are. I also had two teachers that pushed me to be a better writer.
What is your favorite aspect or writing? Your least favorite?
My favorite aspect is seeing my book for sale on retail sites! It’s an amazing feeling to see something you’ve created “out there” for the world to read! My least favorite thing is waiting. Waiting for acceptance, waiting for cover art, waiting for the big day, waiting for…you get the point! 😉
What aspect of writing would you most like to improve on?
Hmmm…that’s tough. Sometimes I wish I enjoyed writing longer pieces (I usually write from 5-15K), but I write what I like to read and I prefer a book I can finish in an hour or two! I have a longer project planned, but I don’t know when/if ever, I’ll start it!
Do you have any “must haves” with you while you’re writing?
Post-it notes, pen and pencil!
Do you have a common theme or item that appears in each of your books?
LOL! Not on purpose, but I noticed the other day that quite a few of my Hero/Heroines have lost their parents!
What have you learned the most from being in the writing business?
Patience is a virtue! 🙂
Tell us about your latest release:
Title: Jenn’s Wolf
Jenn is used to being overlooked by men. She’s short, slim, shy and her past keeps her guarded against others—especially men. It also gets her labeled as having a “good personality.” When she sees Matt for the first time, she realizes he’s the first man she’s willing to take a chance on.
Matt is a wolf shifter worried that he’ll never find his mate. Without a mate, a shifter’s life is incredibly drawn-out and lonely. Willing to try anything, he agrees to a blind date with Jenn and is stunned to find out she’s the one.
A misunderstanding interrupts their first night together and leaves them both miserable. After determining she may have overreacted, Jenn apologizes and they agree to start over. When Matt tells her about his wolf, she has to decide whether to trust her heart or run from the only man she’s ever wanted.
Jennifer and Christina had been college roommates their senior year and became fast friends. They relocated to Chestnut Rock together and now shared a small, affordable apartment. That had been two years ago.
Jennifer was happy she had Christina in her life. Her best friend kept her from locking herself away and hiding from the world. Christina taught her that people sometimes drink in social situations, but they didn’t always get drunk or make a scene. Though she still had qualms, Jennifer could now have a good time in situations where friends may have a drink or two.
Christina had wanted to go what she called “man shopping,” which basically meant “go to the bar and look at hot guys!” Jennifer agreed to come along.
While Christina had no trouble finding dates, Jennifer was a bit more challenged. The two friends were as different as night and day. Christina was tall and blond with blue eyes and a bubbly personality. Jennifer was short with brown hair and brown eyes. She was reserved which most people took as timid and sometimes rude or snobby. It was hard for her to meet people and without Christina’s help, she might have ended up friendless and alone for the rest of her life. Luckily, that didn’t happen and her friend even convinced her to go on a blind date set up by one of her co-workers. The date was tomorrow night.
The group in the center roared with laughter again and the one with his back to her stepped to the right and bent over to look at his friend’s phone. Jenn could see the group more clearly now and her gaze stopped on the tall piece of awesome standing closest to the bar. If they were truly “man shopping,” she’d buy him and take him home.
How did you decide on your story plot?
I wanted to create a world of lonely, wildlife shifters that come together and form a family of friendship. Jenn and Matt are the first pair in my series.
How did you choose your characters names and location for your story?
After I decide what the characters will look like, their names usually follow easily. The location is fictional. I created the mid-size town of Chestnut Rock, and the nearby National Forest, so my characters would have a safe place to shift.
Do you have a favorite scene? Why?
My favorite scene is when Jenn sees Matt’s wolf for the first time. I can’t tell you why! 😉
Do you have a character that you identify with? Who and why?
Not really, no, but I love all of my characters (good guys!) and try to give them admirable qualities. I create the type of characters I enjoy reading and hope readers will love them too!
Let our readers know how they can get a hold of you…
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Is there anything else that you want to share… feel free!!
Find Jenn’s Wolf at the following retail locations:
Barnes and Noble:
All Romance:
Thank you, Donna, for hosting me today!
Hi Donna!
Thanx so much for featuring a little bit about me and JENN’S WOLF on your blog today! I enjoyed your interview questions–they were fun! 🙂
Good to have you! Hope we have a great day!