It’s April!!

Yes – it’s my birthday again. They come around a lot more often now, but that gives me more celebratin’ time. Since I have the first book of my Melting series coming out in June, thought I’d start some buzz.  This is my first series and very close to my heart. Since it’s also gift time, I’m going to give away a bag o’ books from some incredible authors I met at RWA in Atlanta, and end up the celebration with a cover reveal of The Melting – Book One, The Infection. A birthday present to myself!   birthday present

You with me? I try to make these things simple – to win, click on the rafflecopter below —
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Denise S won the first bag – the ones for 4/15 and 4/25 still up for grabs!
Tiffany K won the second bag – still have 4/25 to go!
D Wright won the third bag!
And just because I wanted to M Province won a copy of Dance Partner – I love April!!

And no, I’m not telling which birthday this is – it’s not germane to the discussion but come on over and celebrate with me anyway.  The actual birthday is the 5th, but the celebration will be most of April – cause it’s also my anniversary month! Who knows, I might give away a couple of bag o’ books.  I’ll list winners on the 5th, and 15th  and maybe the 25th as well – I’ll have some reason to celebrate then too.

Birthday Candles       A woman hand carrying a bunch of colorful shopping bags

31 thoughts on “It’s April!!

  1. I heard it was your birthday so came by to wish you much happiness…may all your birthday wishes come true! 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday 🙂 and I love March the beginning of spring when we can actually go out and enjoy the weather again.. well usually lol Have a Great Day

    • Hubby and Son’s birthdays in March, so that’s a pretty good month too – all of spring pulls me in (except for the pollen!)

  3. Happy Birthday Donna! PK sent me over and after looking around, I now have another author to add to my TBRs!

    Wishing you an awesome celebration.


  4. Hey Donna — Happy Birthday early!
    My birthday is on April 15 so I celebrate by getting an extension on my income tax returns. A bag of books would be a good gift…just saying.

    I love April as it gets the sap rising and the flowers blooming again. 😉 Spring Fever arrived this week in Greensboro!

    • LOL! 5th is birthday, 15th is anniversary and both were Easter those years. That would be a great gift….

  5. You are only as old as you feel..and in your head.. that is about 18! And i love the gifts when it is your birthday 🙂

    • More than 18 for me – hadn’t met HIM then. But most people don’t believe where I really am, so that’s good!

  6. Happy Birthday, tomorrow to you! But it’s Happy Birthday to me, today!

    I’m not telling how old I am either, but my mom thought, she can’t be that old! So, I told her “you are as old as you feel and I feel 25!”

  7. My birthday is in the same month as my husband and my oldest son’s birthdays(each 5 days apart) and the National Night Out at my church (being in Texas we celebrate this in October not during the summer as most of the other states do because of the heat factor). So October is a very busy month for me!

    • Sounds like it! Things always seem to come in clumps – but I couldn’t keep it up too many months in a row.

  8. I celebrate my favorite month by soaking up the cold and being outside in the snow! I hope you had the best birthday ever!

  9. Hi, I was just surfing the web looking for an old friend and neighbor Donna (Morgan) Steele when I came across your site. I’m hopeful that you are her. Please drop me a line and let me know if you are.

    Thank you

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