Or, why read series (or write one)? I have to admit I love them. I’m embroiled in several right now between reading and listening to them on my commute. I really enjoy them during the drive. It’s like having an old friend travel with me.
What’s the draw? For me, it’s the depth you can go to. In a stand-alone you have a cast of characters and a story to tell. I read for pleasure – pure and simple. If I don’t enjoy it, I usually don’t finish it, life’s too short. Fortunately most of the time for me, I find a good one and I enjoy it and then move on. But I do wonder what became of them later. Now that’s a good book–when I want the next story even if it hasn’t been written.
In series the characters become part of my family. I learn their backgrounds, likes and dislikes as though they lived next door. I get to meet their family and friends and become involved in their lives. Yes, the muscular, tall, dark and handsome hero and the buxom yet athletic and incredibly blonde heroine are the main stays of the story, but if I’ve been around long enough I might discover that her best friend is wickedly funny and his cousin is a genius. Series territory and who knows what the second or third or nineteenth book might focus on.
That kind of depth can only be achieved through multiple dips into the story pool. This new story with Harry is really more of a snippet and not from my favorite POV, (absolutely no spoilers) but the point is after being with Harry all these years, I knew the POV and it was spot on. It was like going back to a friend I haven’t seen in months – not years, and visiting.
Suzanne Brockman, Diana Gabaldon, Mary Margaret Daughtridge, Robert Jordan, Darynda Jones to mention a few have this mastered and I know I’m going to see old friends and have a wonderful time catching up and learning more of what makes some of my favorite characters tick.
So I have dipped my toe in the pool. The Melting, Book One – The Infection is only the first, but I’ve worked with these characters and know them so well now that I’m deep within the third book. It makes me want to do it again.
Tell me, do you enjoy series or stand alones more? Why? Do you have any favorites? Stop by and visit – I might even have a bookmark to give away. See ya!
Speaking of series….my friend got confused with the titles I was recommending. She thought I said Highlander instead of Outlander. Nice lead characters in both! But she ended up reading the Fever series by Karen Moning (Highlander). Has anyone else enjoyed it?
I haven’t read the Fever series (yet) but I have read all but the last Outlander and have been waiting forever for this one. Another one to add to my list – I need to live til I’m 612 at this rate….
I’m a great lover of series. I ALWAYS want to know what happens next. I’ve read The Infection and was truly annoyed that the second one wasn’t published the second I finished it. I’m not very good at delayed gratification.
I write the Cassie series. Without doubt she is one of my best friends. I think people who read her enjoy Tom and Sue and Annie. I know so many secrets about them all, many will come out as the series continues, but probably not all.
So when is the second in The Melting coming our?
Haven’t gotten a date yet for #2 – The Progression, but I’ll let you know. I’ve read all the Cassie books myself and I know what a great friend she’s become to me. Yep, I like getting that involved with my characters. Thanks!